Digital Literacy - the librarian's role

The following notes present the questions that were raised in our session.  Notice that there are more questions than answers!  Feel free to add to the questions or comment and answer! 


What is digital literacy? 


Gaming - is it a part of digital literacy?


Digital laguage - Digital Literacy?


Is cutting edge technology critical?  Many youth (teens) are more interested in accessibility (all of it all the time) as opposed to learning seach skills or evaluative skills.


Twenty-three things program, self-guided learning modules were critical to getting to learn new technologies.  But new toys often mean new work.  or news ways to work.


staying relevant.  what is librarian's role as teachers? 


Is than there any way to know what is coming. 


ebooks and epublishing? 


reading articles, blogs, ala tech info is a way to keep them up. 


digital literacy - is the libarian the audience for learning, or is the public?


Lateral conversations among peers are essential to learning, but conversations don't happen as often as they should. Peer resources are not tapped into as much as they should be.  It seems most often that information is shared in more traditional class/training formats.


Sometimes we fear we don't know all we should about technology and get overwhelmed and become immobilized.  How do we navigate all there is to know and decide what to learn and what not to learn?  What is critical?  It is important to know that there are resources available, experts such as Linda who are available, for support.


Youth will be ahead of the curve with new technology, compared to librarians.  But what the do want is access.  For youth, access such as social networking sites.  Some libraries block social networking sites, thus not supporting or engaging young users.


Libraries supporting family learning, using the lab to do things together.  Guidance available from a librarian.


Safety issues are a concern in the digital world; for a school to introduce Shelfari, for example, there is a need to create avatars to represent the children.  Safety education is a part of digital literacy.  When libraries offer these classes, 'no one comes'.  Have libraries provided video tutorials on their websites?


Digital literacy or digital learning.  our different learning styles are a part of how we learn and how we educate.


How quickly how much has changed.  Acceleration of change.  Yet libraries have much to commend with how they have navigated so much of the change.