Programming Session 1

Facilitator Caroline Ward


Integrating technology into programming

Long Island Westchester Connecticut represented


adult programming while kids in program

     adult program or child program the driver and other secondary

     future includes adults in childrens vs in past adults were not included

     parents w/out tech skills

          parent groups with online sites -- how to make a facebook page, how to find wikis

          kids teach parent with scavenger hunt to catch kids

          family tech program -- creating family facebook, scrapbook

          urban libraries keep parents in library by offering worthwhile programs for those who don't have home computers

          bilingual tech programs for fun family programs


Rethink technology programs


     twitter not for kids

     every friday children's gaming program in one library; also program in teen

     kids who can create their own games; bring in expert to teach game programming

          video game producers who can teach

          science and technology museums who develop children's programs; exhibits to lend and collaborate

          video teleconferencing to offer wider range of programming through

          flip video contest

          recorded book reviews that teens share and keep at library

          book review in twitter for library

          Follett allows kids to comment but hasn't met with success

          tweet during book discussion facilitator as you have a book group

          graphic novel -- animation -- cartooning online -- upload to Comic Life program on a Mac

          Chess club set up online during the week and then meet once a week


Kindle -- e books

     Tumble Books at NY very high circ -- lots of titles -- don't need library card number for access

     Book Flicks from Scholastic -- old Weston Woods videos with links to books. Expensive but great resource -- need town library card to access


Tween programming 9-12 year olds

     group by grades for programming

     teen programming tends to be young teens

     teen programming self managed

     teen food program very successful

     teen exam weeks brought in hundreds of teens to use library